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Supported Platforms

While we strive to keep supporting the older versions of the Operating Systems and Web browsers, the SDKs and the web apps are fully compatible with the following platform versions.

Mobile SDK OS Support

Bluedot supports current and previous 2 versions for the Bluedot SDK and Android and iOS operating systems. Operating System (OS) version supportBluedot strives to support past versions of the respective Apple and Android Operating System (OS) for as long as possible. However, given both Apple and Android release OS updates annually, along with new compatible devices, Bluedot must be responsive to their innovations. Currently, the Bluedot Point SDK supports the following OS:

  • Android OS Version – 5.0 and above
  • iOS Version – iOS 12 and above

Bluedot aims to support (at least) the previous two major versions of the Operating Systems (OS). 

E.g if Apple’s current OS version is iOS 14, Point SDK will be compatible with iOS 12 and iOS 13.

Bluedot is also subject to releases and breaking-changes made by Apple and Android respectively.

SDK version support

Support is provided for the current major version of the Bluedot Point SDK (SDK) with fixes being released as an increment of that version.

Note: Bug fixes and patches are released on a regular basis. Any emergency patches to correct critical issues will be communicated to customers via email.

Bluedot recommends customers take the latest version of the SDK to access the latest features, performance enhancements and fixes. However, once a new version of the SDK has been released, it is the choice and the responsibility of the customer to actually integrate the SDK within their own app.

Mobile Apps OS Support

Our mobile apps (Hello Screens App) support the versions of the following OS:

  • Android OS version 9 and above
  • iOS version 13 and above

Web Apps Browser Support

Our web-based applications (Canvas and Hello Screens) support the versions of the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome Browser Version 56.0.2924 and above.
  • Firefox Browser Version 45.7 and above.
  • Safari Browser Version 10.0.3  and above.
  • Microsoft Edge Browser Version 38.14393 and above.